OSR Utah Contour Map Creator
North West corner
Latitude: Longitude:
South East corner
Latitude: Longitude:
Sampling points:
N-S axis: step size: W-E axis: step size:
Plot Options

Start at:
Rounding for legend (decimal places):  
Save/Load Cookie
Other Options

Elevation Data (Optional)

min: 0 max: 0


Go to the desired location in the map, set two markers by clicking the map to define a rectangle, then set the corrdinates by clicking Get Coords (or enter coordinates manually).

Set the sampling point desitiy. Click Get Data to start querying elevations.
Note: Do not make samples sizes too large. If you go beyond 2500 total samples per day, querying data may stop working according to the Google Elevation API description.

After the data is queried, you can change plot options and update the drawing by clicking Redraw Contours. This will not re-query the data, only redaw the lines.

You can save some data in cookies, however there is a limit. Use the manual saving text areas below alternatively.

Resources: This script uses the Google Elevation API, Google Maps, jQuery and the CONREC contouring algorithm by Paul Bourke and Jason Davies.

Save Data

Copy data and save somewhere

Load Data

Paste data back here and click button below

Area to double check the requests that were sent:

Save Contour Map as an SVG file

If you want to have the contour maps as an individual layer (e.g. to create overlays) you can copy the code underneath the image below and save it as an svg file. Please note, as for now, the drawing below is square and you may want to stretch it to cover the actual area in a map.

Download SVG file
Download KML file

Originated by Christoph Hofstetter (christophhofstetter (at) gmail.com) September 2013 v0.311. Modified by Matthew Layton